
Terms of Service

By commissioning me, I expect you to have read and understood the terms and conditions outlined here. I reserve the right to turn away commissioners based on this.

  • I reserve the right to refuse a commission. I’ll give you a reason why I chose to do so.

  • I will not ask for payment until after I've sent the first rough sketch and seen that it is to your liking. After that, I'll expect either part or all of the payment. I’m more than willing to do increments over time!

  • None of my art is permitted to be used in AI situations. Point blank, period. My art is also never permitted to be minted into NFTs, or have merchandise of it made to sell for your own profit.

  • Payments are done via PayPal invoicing. This means I’ll need your email so I can send you an invoice. My email is [email protected]. Currency is in USD.

  • I don't do refunds.

  • I will keep you up-to-date by sending you preview images with each stage of progress - sketch, inks, colors, etc. Let me know of any changes you need done, the sooner in the process the better. The closer to the end stage I get, the smaller the changes I can do are.

  • You will receive a full-res copy of the finished product with a smaller watermark on it, in addition to a copy that has the larger disclaimer watermark I put on things.

  • If you are using another person's OC as far as the subject of the commission you want, please have permission to use the character first.

  • You are free to repost art so long as it is the version with the larger watermark and I am credited via links in the description back to my page[s]. If it's being posted to somewhere like tumblr or Blue Sky, double-check with me to see if I haven't posted it myself on those websites. I'll give you a link to where I've posted it, and I'd prefer you didn't repost to those sites if I've already uploaded it there.

Commission Info

Status: closed


I’m a full-time veterinary technician and the sole money-maker of a two-person household, which means art in general is something I don’t have a lot of time to dedicate to. Working full-time and overtime in a field as taxing as that means a lot of my spare time is spent, well, recovering from the work week, and doing art isn’t always on that list.The prices currently listed on my page may be subject to change depending on if/when commissions do open back up. Don't go off of them until I've definitively said they are open!Because of my offline life having the potential to be pretty busy, so this is very subjective. It depends on the complexity of the piece as well. It can take anywhere from about weeks to months. I try to keep commissioners up to date with progress shots throughout the process, and warn ahead of time if I know I’ll be taking a longer time. Please be patient with me!

Please refer to my Terms of Service before deciding to go through with a commission.

What I Will Draw

  • Robots - that I can tell are robots. For example, lifelike androids only discernible from humans through seams or skin/hair/eye color are generally off the table.

  • Monsters - the further away their appearance is from a human with monstrous accessories/minor features, the better.

  • Anthros. I have a soft spot for non-mammals - especially birds and invertebrates.

  • Non-anthro animals, same bias as above.

  • Fandom OCs, that fit my above criteria of course

  • Fluff/ship art. Preferably on the less suggestive side. I will do varying levels of sensuality, but I prefer to keep it sensual at most and not overly suggestive. My ship art options includes canon/OC for the most part!

What I Won't Draw

  • NSFW - sexual content, nudity that involves actual depiction of genitals, overly suggestive art, etc. Anything that can be construed as sexual is a no-go.

  • Explicit gore. I don't have an issue with gore itself, but when it's over-the-top things get complicated to draw.

  • Bodily fluids besides blood. Saliva makes me gag, and most other bodily fluids besides blood and saliva fall into the NSFW category.

  • Humans. I am not at all comfortable with how I draw human faces or hairstyles in conjunction with one another. The exception to this is if they are masked or helmeted or otherwise do not have a visible face.

  • Fetish art - overdeveloped muscles, inflation, cub, vore, latex, etc. If it's a fetish-based concept, even if it's technically SFW, don't ask.

  • If commissioning ship-based art that involves canon character(s), know that there are a tiny handful I am uncomfortable with drawing. If you are unsure, just ask! It's purely a preference thing on my part, I will not judge you.

Commission Categories

Prices will increase based on complexity of the characters/composition of the piece, generally in increments of $5. The prices listed should be considered the base price.


Starts $15 for bust, $30 for partial, $40 for full-body+ flat colors - $10
+ shading - $15
+ additional sketches / characters - $10 each

Refined Lines w/ Colors

Starts at $70+ simple shading - $20
+ full-body - $25
+ rendered shading - $25
+ additional character - $25 each

Scenes w/ Background

Starts at $150
+ simple background - $20
+ detailed background - $75
+ additional character - $35 each


Starts at $45+ additional character - $15 each